One Airpod not working | How To Fix Airpods Issues Complete Guide
Are you facing issues with your AirPods? It’s super annoying when one of your AirPods stops working properly, isn’t it? You’re just trying to listen to music or watch a video, and suddenly the sound cuts out in one ear.
AirPods are expensive little gadgets, so any issues are frustrating when they happen. Maybe the audio is too low, AirPods are connected but no sound or one AirPod won’t make any sound at all.
Don’t worry though, you probably don’t need to buy brand-new AirPods right away. There are lots of easy tricks to try and fix the problem yourself at home. From simple resets to cleaning out dust, this guide will show you step-by-step how to get your AirPods working like new again.
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Airpods Battery level
Make sure the battery level of your Apple AirPods has enough charge. Sometimes low battery levels can cause sound issues.
Reset Airpods
Simply reset your Apple AirPods. Follow the Following steps to reset your AirPods.
Bluetooth Connectivity
Turn off your iPhone or smartphone’s Bluetooth then turn it back on > Go to settings > Bluetooth > Tap on your AirPods to connect it to your iPhone or other smartphone.
Sound Setting
Make sure the sound of Air Pods is not muted or the level of volume is not completely down. Simply turn the increase in the volume from the control center.
AirPods update
Ensure that your Air Pods firmware is up to date. If you want to check the update of Airpods, Just connect it to your device and check the update of firmware in the device settings.
Connect it to different devices
Just to see if the issue is in your Air Pods or your iPhone/Smartphone, connect it to a different device. If the issue remains the same then, it is confirmed an issue is with the Air Pods.
How To Clean Your Airpods
To clean your Apple Air Pods and their charging case, the following are the easy steps.
Contact Apple Support
If all the above methods can’t resolve the sound issue of your Air Pods. Contact Apple Support for further assistance.